Globalization, Employment, and Economic Development: A Briefing Paper
Gereffi, Gary
This paper focuses on five central questions related to global outsourcing: • What are the dynamics of job creation and job loss during the last 5-10 years in the United States and overseas, both in the aggregate and in particular industries? (Number of jobs) • Which countries and regions have been the primary beneficiaries and losers in these global job shifts? (Location of jobs) • What are the mechanisms through which job creation and loss in advanced industrial and developing economies are linked through global value chains? (Sticky versus footloose jobs) • What do we know about the distribution of jobs in relatively high-value activities and low-value activities in global value chains? (Quality of jobs) • What is the evidence for industrial upgrading (or downgrading) based on the availability and distribution of jobs in global value chains? (Jobs and development)