Mexican Immigration to the United States: Continuities and Changes
Durand, Jorge; Massey, Douglas S.; Zenteno, Rene M.
This research note examines continuities and changes in the profile of Mexican migration to the United States using data from Mexico’s Encuesta Nacional de la Dinamica Demografica, the U.S. Census, and the Mexican Migration Project. Our analysis generally yields a picture of stability over time. Mexico- U.S. migration continues to be dominated by the states of Western Mexico, particularly Guanajuato, Jalisco, and Michoacan, and it remains a movement principally of males of labor-force age. As Mexico has urbanized, however, out-migration has come to embrace urban as well as rural workers; and as migrant networks have expanded, the flow has become less selective with respect to education. Perhaps the most important change detected was an acceleration in the rate of return migration during the early 1990s, reflecting the massive legalization of the late 1980s.