The Experience of Injustice in Daily Life: A Preliminary Analysis with Three Social Groups
Assmar, Eveline Maria Leal
Studied the relation of social group, representation of injustice, and personal experience of injustice in 99 Brazilian adolescents and adults (aged 13-19 yrs), 100 university students, and 98 public organization employees. Data on sociodemographic variables, representation of injustice, and personal experience of injustice were obtained by questionnaire. Participants were asked to describe an injustice they had suffered in the past, how they felt about the injustice, their relationship with the perpetrator of the injustice, and their reactions or the consequences of the injustice. The results showed the influence of the type of group on several aspects related to injustice. Contrary to what was predicted by Equity Theory, the most frequently reported events were unjustified blaming, and the most frequent reaction was non-acting and resignation.