Children’s Development and Learning Related to Social Cognition
Lefebvre-Pinard, Monique; Reid, Luc
Reports a series of studies with 2 objectives: (a) to validate an instrument to measure the development and interrelationship between 2 aspects of social cognition–identification of others’ point of view (role taking), and referent communication with others; and (b) to observe interrelationships among participants’ modes of learning at 3 levels of activity–active (social-conflict model), passive (modeling method), and mixed (conflict-modeling method)–and development in role taking and referent communication skills. Analysis of performances on tasks administered to 5-10 yr olds revealed the existence of 4 distinct levels in the development of the 2 abilities. The 3 modes induced different rhythms of learning both role taking and referent communication. Problems for additional research are identified in areas related to the nature of social cognition, the ecological validity of learning experiences, and the influence of children’s activity level on their learning.